
pySBOL2 provides Python interfaces and their implementation for Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL). The current version of pySBOL implements SBOL 2.3. The library provides an API to work with SBOL objects, the functionality to read GenBank, FASTA, and SBOL version 1 and 2 documents as XML/RDF files, to write GenBank, FASTA, and SBOL version 1 and 2 documents, and to validate the correctness of SBOL 2 documents. pySBOL2 supports Python 3.6 or later. pySBOL2 does not support Python 2. pySBOL2 is made freely available under the Apache 2.0 license.

To install, go to Installation Page.

  • The source code of pySBOL2 is available on GitHub.

  • Any problems or feature requests for pySBOL2 should be reported on the GitHub issue tracker.

pySBOL2 is brought to you by Bryan Bartley, Tom Mitchell, and SBOL Developers.

Development has been supported by the NSF through the Synthetic Biology Open Language Resource collaborative award.

Development has been supported under the DARPA Synergistic Discovery & Design (SD2) Program under Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) contract #FA875017CO184.
