Computer-aided Design for Synthetic Biology

See Full Example Code for full example code.

Design Abstraction

An advantage of the SBOL data format over GenBank is the ability to represent DNA as abstract components without specifying an exact sequence. An abstract design can be used as a template, with sequence information filled in later. In SBOL, a ComponentDefinition represents a biological component whose general function is known while its sequence is currently either unknown or unspecified. The intended function of the component is specified using a descriptive term from the Sequence Ontology (SO), a standard vocabulary for describing genetic parts. As the following example shows, some common SO terms are built in to PySBOL2 as pre-defined constants (see This code example defines the new component as a gene by setting its roles property to the SO term for gene. Other terms may be found by browsing the Sequence Ontology online.

# Construct an abstract design for a gene
gene = ComponentDefinition('gene_example')
gene.roles = SO_GENE

Design abstraction is an important engineering principle for synthetic biology. Abstraction enables the engineer to think at a high-level about functional characteristics of a system while hiding low-level physical details. For example, in electronics, abstract schematics are used to describe the function of a circuit, while hiding the physical details of how a printed circuit board is laid out. Computer-aided design (CAD) programs allow the engineer to easily switch back and forth between abstract and physical representations of a circuit. In the same spirit, PySBOL2 enables a CAD approach for designing genetic constructs and other forms of synthetic biology.

Hierarchical DNA Assembly

PySBOL2 also includes methods for assembling biological components (also referred to as biological parts in the synthetic biology literature) into abstraction hierarchies. Abstraction hierarchies are important from an engineering perspective because they allow engineers to assemble complicated systems from more basic components. Abstraction hierarchies are also important from a biological perspective, because DNA sequences and biological structures in general exhibit hierarchical organization, from the genome, to operons, to genes, to lower level genetic operators. The following code assembles an abstraction hierarchy that describes a gene cassette. Note that subcomponents must belong to a Document in order to be assembled, so a Document is passed as a parameter.

The gene cassette below is composed of genetic subcomponents including a promoter, ribosome binding site (RBS), coding sequence (CDS), and transcriptional terminator, expressed in SBOL Visual schematic glyphs. The next example demonstrates how an abstract design for this gene is assembled from its subcomponents.

gene.assemblePrimaryStructure([ r0010, b0032, e0040, b0012 ], doc)

After creating an abstraction hierarchy, it is then possible to iterate through an object’s primary structure of components:

for component_definition in gene.getPrimaryStructure()):
    print (component_definition.identity)

This returns a list of ComponentDefinitions arranged in their primary sequence. Occasionally it is also helpful to get Components arranged in their primary sequence as well. Note that the example below produces the same output as the example above, and may be helpful for understanding the relationship between Components and ComponentDefinitions.

for component in gene.getPrimaryStructureComponents():
    print (component.definition)
for component in gene.components:
    print (component.definition)

Editing a Primary Structure

Given an abstract representation of a primary structure as above, it is possible to modify it by inserting and deleting Components. The following example deletes the R0010 promoter and replaces it with the R0011 promoter

primary_structure = gene.getPrimaryStructureComponents()
b0032_component = primary_structure[1]

r0011 = ComponentDefinition('r0011')
r0011.roles = SO_CDS
gene.insertUpstreamComponent(b0032_component, r0011)

Sequence Assembly

A complete design adds explicit sequence information to the components in a template design or abstraction hierarchy. In order to complete a design, Sequence objects must first be created and associated with the promoter, CDS, RBS, terminator subcomponents. In contrast to the ComponentDefinition.assemble() method, which assembles a template design, the ComponentDefinition.compile method recursively generates the complete sequence of a hierarchical design from the sequence of its subcomponents. Compiling a DNA sequence is analogous to a programmer compiling their code. In order to compile a ComponentDefinition, you must first assemble a template design from ComponentDefinitions, as described in the previous section.

target_sequence = gene.compile()

The compile method returns the target sequence as a string. In addition, it creates a new Sequence object and assigns the target sequence to its elements property

Genome Integration

In some cases, it may be useful to represent integration of vectors / transposons into genomes. The integrateAtBaseCoordinate method supports integration operations and produces a parsimonious representation of primary structure that is useful for manipulating large constructs. The following example demonstrates integration of the gene construct from the examples above into a wild_type_genome, thus generating the integrated_genome.

integrated_genome = ComponentDefinition('integrated_genome')
integrated_genome.sequence = Sequence('integrated_genome_sequence')
wild_type_genome = ComponentDefinition('wild_type_genome')
wild_type_genome.sequence = Sequence('wild_type_genome_sequence')
wild_type_genome.sequence.elements = 'gggggggggg'
integrated_genome.integrateAtBaseCoordinate(wild_type_genome, gene, 5)
integrated_genome.compile()  # Calculate sequence of the integrated genome

Full Example Code

Full example code is provided below, which will create a file called “gene_cassette.xml”. This example is available as examples/ in the pySBOL2 source code.

from sbol2 import *

doc = Document()

gene = ComponentDefinition('gene_example')
r0010 = ComponentDefinition('R0010')
b0032 = ComponentDefinition('B0032')
e0040 = ComponentDefinition('E0040')
b0012 = ComponentDefinition('B0012')

r0010.roles = SO_PROMOTER
b0032.roles = SO_CDS
e0040.roles = SO_RBS
b0012.roles = SO_TERMINATOR

doc.addComponentDefinition([r0010, b0032, e0040, b0012])

gene.assemblePrimaryStructure([r0010, b0032, e0040, b0012])

first = gene.getFirstComponent()
last = gene.getLastComponent()

r0010.sequence = Sequence('R0010', 'ggctgca')
b0032.sequence = Sequence('B0032', 'aattatataaa')
e0040.sequence = Sequence('E0040', "atgtaa")
b0012.sequence = Sequence('B0012', 'attcga')

target_sequence = gene.compile()

result = doc.write('gene_cassette.xml')